Unfortunately you can never be sure when your business will be audited. Now however you can insure against the cost of the audit process.
Audits are a primary focus of compliance programs from the Australian Taxation Office, the Office of State Revenue and other Government agencies. The audit process can be time consuming and professional fees are incurred regardless of the outcome. Should we assist you with any audits, our fees are not recoverable from the Government agencies or business entities you are obliged to deal with.
For all clients who do not wish to risk exposure to these unexpected costs, Waterhouse Chartered Accountants has now established an umbrella insurance policy.
While we highly recommend you consider audit insurance, Waterhouse Chartered Accountants does not receive any commission or other benefits in relation to this insurance offering.
If you wish to take up audit insurance, click the Email Us button below and we will liaise with you in relation to arranging appropriate audit insurance.